The Personal Touch

We’re very pleased with our latest piece of Downey promotional material. We have a tendency to go quite experimental with our mailers so it was nice to take a more simplistic approach with this and allow the design, colours and printing processes to speak for themselves.
With this piece we also wanted to get across the hands on approach we take toward our projects. Every job that comes in is different and as a result it is essential that we work directly with our clients to ensure that the finished product meets or even surpasses their expectations.

An idea which appealed to us was the concept of a detailed finger print design. Underneath we also had the wording ‘The Personal Touch’, which really hit home this message of excellent customer service.
We printed the wording in white foil and the intricate finger print design in clear gloss foil, all onto Colorplan Imperial Blue, and as an extra special touch we also applied a flash of florescent pink, both to the edges of the cards and to the lining of the Imperial Blue envelopes.
Processes such as foiling are essentially straightforward for us compared to some of the more elaborate techniques we now incorporate; however this is only because of the huge amount of time that our company has spent working within this medium. We understand how to get the best results with processes such as foiling and also have the experience to judge what will work best for the finished piece.

This mailer proved to be an excellent chance to showcase the quality that can be achieved with a simple concept, whilst also highlighting how unexpected colour combinations and finishing touches can bring the best out of a project. We think it’s important to explore all the avenues that might appeal to a client and we find that using a personal touch is the most effective way to produce the best possible work.
Thursday, 16th April, 2015